This simple and quick little workout can be added to the end of any workout to give your core a little blast.
Try this total body workout. All you will need is a mat and a moderate dumbbell (10-20lbs)
Try this fast 30 minute leg circuit. It can be done as your workout or a heart pumping finisher on your leg day.
Pull exercises are something that we all need in our life! Pulls are good for healthier shoulders and better posture!
This fast workout can be done anywhere with no equipment. Perfect for travel or those busy days when it’s impossible to get to the gym.
Want to do a headstand?? Try these progressive drills to help you build strength and confidence to get off your feet!
The dumbbell snatch packs a punch. It builds power, strength and shoulder mobility. It will get your heart rate up while working every area of your body.
Ever see someone doing an armbalance and think "I want to do that but where do I even start?". This is a step-by-step guide to 8 angle pose (Astavakrasana).

Are you looking for a fast and efficient total body workout? All you need is a single weight. I used a 15 and it kept me challenged throughout!