All I want for 2024 is a STRONGER BOOTY!

Stronger, bigger, rounder, tighter…. whatever you want to call it, it is my constant quest. Did you know that the glutes are one of the laziest muscle groups we have (gluteus medius being the worst offender)? Dormant Butt Syndrome is a thing, and it isn’t just about the appearance of your booty. Glute muscles that do not fire properly can lead to injuries in your hips, knees and back causing all sorts of pain.

So what causes Dormant Butt Syndrome?

A stationary lifestyle, for sure, is the top reason. But also if you’re an office worker, sitting all day can affect the ability of these muscles to stay strong as well as sleeping in the fetal position.

So what can you do?

  1. You can start by trying to activate these muscles. When I go on long car rides I will be sure to “squeeze my buttcheeks” for say 4 sets of 10 (or 100 depending on how long the ride is). If you sit at a desk all day try adding this into your daily routine.

  2. Take the time at the beginning of your workout to activate the muscles with various mini-band exercises: lateral band walks, kickbacks, and hydrants. Be sure to go slow and put your mind in the muscle. Getting these muscles to fire before adding weighted exercises will maximize your efforts in the gym.

  3. Add hip hinging to your workout routine. When there is more flexion at your hip it puts the glutes under more of a stretch which will stimulate better growth.

Now, I love mini band work and if you take my classes this is evident, but to grow your glutes and build strength you must progressively overload the muscle. As someone newer to weight training bodyweight may be enough but over time you want to gradually increase the weight you are using.

My January Leg Day with BONUS - Core Finisher

Perform each as a circuit resting 10 seconds between exercises and 30 between sets.

A1 BB Sumo Squat 4x10

A2 Lateral Lunge 4x10

A3 Elevated Squat to Deadlift 4x10

B1 RDL 4x10

B2 BB Single Leg Glute Bridge 4x10

B3 Curtsy Step Up to Regular Step Up (over the bench) 4x10

Metabolic Abs - Core Finisher

30 seconds each exercise continuously

3x through 30 second rest between


Ankle Biter



Side Plank Hip Dip

Other Side Plank Hip Dip

Elbow to Opposite Knee Alternating

Watch my Instagram Stories to see demos of some of these exercises!



30 Minute Lower Body Blast


10 Minute Upper Body PULL Workout!