Total Body HIIT Workout

Are you looking for a fast and efficient total body workout? All you need is a single weight. I used a 15 and it kept me challenged throughout!

Try this:

  • Dumbbell Snatch right

  • Dumbbell Snatch left

  • Squat Thrust (Burpee without pushup)

  • Goblet Squat

  • Lateral Lunge with Single Arm Curl to Overhead Press right

  • Lateral Lunge with Single Arm Curl to Overhead Press left

  • Russian Twist

  • Jumping Jacks

  • Single Arm Row right

  • Single Arm Row Left

  • Inch Worm with 4 Mt. Climbers

Set an interval timer for 50 seconds on with a 10 second transition between. Repeat 3 times. Want a bit more? Add a finisher still using the single 15 lb weight of:

10 Bicep Curls

10 Overhead Presses

10 Overhead Tricep Extensions

10 Leg Lifts

Repeat 3 times.


Easy & Clean Stuffed Peppers


Oh, Greece.